Unit : Catheterization Unit
Head of Unit
Dr Fabio Kuzniec
The Unit includes 2 catheterization rooms, a control room, and 5 beds in a waiting room before and after catheterization (recovery). The catheterization rooms handle some 1000 patients per year.
Additional procedures carried out in the catheterization room: percutaneous opening of peripheral arteries, such as carotid arteries, renal arteries, leg arteries, percutaneous opening of heart valves, and treatments for patients destined to undergo percutaneous implantation of artificial valves. Pacemaker implantations of all kinds are performed (biventricular, triventricular, defibrillators). Invasive electrophysiological tests are performed for obtaining accurate diagnoses and treatments of arrhythmias by precisely ablating the source of the arrhythmia.
The Unit focuses mainly on diagnosing and treating coronary artery occlusions.
Head of the department: Dr. Fabio Kuzniec |
Echo Technition: Mrs. chalachala Yusura |
דף מידע (מקושר) | פעולה |
צנתור | מידע והנחיות לפני פעולת צנתור לב |
Consent Forms - Catheterization Unit